Firefly Vodka Takes S.C. by WOM

Y’all know I’m a sucker for anything made, invented or grown locally (and yes, I did start this post with a y’all – I DO live in South Carolina, thank you very much!).

The latest local product to grab my attention is Firefly Vodka, a brand of distilled spirits made right off the coast of Charleston, S.C., on Wadlamaw Island. Their sweet tea flavored vodka is all the rage in Greenville right now. It’s being poured by the gallon in bars and restaurants, and some of the smaller liquor stores up here (I’ve heard) are having trouble keeping it in stock.

If you’ve ever visited or lived in the South, you know we drink sweet tea by the jug full – I’m surprised babies don’t get it in their bottles down here (and in some parts, they probably do). So it’s no surprise this innovative company decided to throw a little alcohol into our native drink and sell it! (Ok, I’m sure there’s a much more technical process involved).

Since I’m almost six months pregnant, I’ll have to take my friends’ word for it when they tell me how good this spirit is mixed with water and a splash of lemon, or even mixed with lemonade.

But I’m more psyched about this fact that this small distillery in S.C. is gaining such notable word of mouth – I’ve heard people mention it at least five times in the past week. And like we all know, there’s nothing more powerful than good ole’ honest word of mouth messaging. You can’t manufacture it, you can’t make it happen – it just DOES happen when you have a product people are excited about.

So, if you’re lucky enough to live in the Palmetto State, try out some sweet tea flavored Firefly Vodka the next time you’re out. And if you don’t live here, check out the Web site and see when a distributor is going to bring this delicious Southern beverage to a watering hole near you.

As for me, I guess I’ll have to wait until after I deliver this baby boy in November to taste this sweet nectar for myself. Cheers!

PS – a big shout out to my Tampa Tammy for being the first to bring this drink to my attention. You’re the best trend setter out there!